Which home remedies help with incontinence?
Incontinence is not a cosmetic defect, but it can become a very unpleasant problem. If you suffer from incontinence and are looking for home remedies to help you, then you've come to the right place! In this blog you will find everything about home remedies for incontinence - from tips and tricks to recipes for delicious nutritional delicacies.
1. Introduction: What is incontinence?
Incontinence is a common problem that affects many people. It is an inability to coordinate and control bodily functions that are normally under conscious control. This can occur at both the urinal and gastroduodenal levels. Incontinence can have various causes, such as neurological disorders or diseases of the lower urinary tract.
However, the incontinence is usually not significant enough to interfere with everyday activities. However, there are various measures and therapy methods that can help those affected deal with the problem appropriately.
2. Causes of incontinence
The most common cause of incontinence is stress on the pelvis due to weight or changes in anatomy. This can occur in women who are breastfeeding after having a child, but also in younger women who start carrying heavy loads or playing sports. Aging and illness can also lead to the development of incontinence.
3. Home remedies for bladder weakness
Bladder weakness can have many causes. Some of the most common causes are digestive tract diseases, obesity and age. Home remedies can help relieve the symptoms of bladder weakness. One of the most common home remedies for bladder weakness is chamomile. Chamomile contains an active ingredient called flavonoid, which has a calming effect on the digestive tract. There are a number of ways to use chamomile: as a tea, capsules or as an oil gel. Some people also find that it helps them sleep better.
a) Lifestyle changes
Incontinence is a common condition that affects many people. It can be difficult to get used to the idea that lifestyle changes are necessary to manage symptoms. However, many sufferers avoid talking about incontinence or lifestyle changes. However, it is important to understand that incontinence does not necessarily mean that you will no longer be able to lead a normal daily life.
Some of the most important lifestyle changes for incontinence include:
-Increase your fluid intake. Drink plenty of water and other low-calorie drinks like unsweetened tea. Drinking fruit juice regularly can also help.
-Avoid certain foods and drinks that may increase the urge to urinate. These include caffeine and alcohol, as well as certain vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes and oranges.
-Increase your movement activity. Exercise also helps the body deal with incontinence problems. Go for regular walks or try simple exercise programs at home.
-Learn stress relief techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation to reduce pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor muscles.
-Adjust your medication intake and discuss any possible side effects with your doctor or pharmacist, as some medicines can increase the need to urinate.
-Use aids such as pads or diapers to help those affected feel safer and reduce stress.
It's important to understand that these lifestyle changes may be necessary, but not necessarily easy to implement. Many people need professional support from their doctor or a physical therapist to integrate this change into their life. Good nutritional advice and psychological support can also help you make the right decision for a health-promoting lifestyle.
b) Change eating habits (e.g. less salt and caffeine)
Salt and caffeine are both often found in our diet and can have a negative impact on incontinence. Salt is an important component of many foods and is also found in many drinks. Too much salt can damage the kidneys, which in turn can cause the bladder to work uncoordinated and cause more urination. Caffeine also has a negative impact on incontinence. It can stimulate the bladder and lead to uncoordinated urination. Caffeine can also improve blood circulation in the skin, which in turn can promote scarring after surgery. To avoid such negative effects, you should consume less salt and caffeine.
c) Use resins and herbs to support the bladder
Many people suffer from incontinence. This can be the result of an incipient bladder emptying disorder or it can be caused by an accident or an operation. Most people with this problem turn to medication to relieve symptoms. Resins and herbs can also help strengthen the bladder and reduce incontinence. Some of the best natural helpers are nettle, yarrow and lemon balm.
Nettle is rich in vitamin C, calcium and sodium and can therefore help to strengthen the bladder and improve urination. In a study of overweight women who received nettle extract, it was found that this substance helped reduce urine loss. It was also observed that the women urinated less often and when they did, their urine was softer than normal.
( Lunov Mykola/ Shutterstock.com )
Yarrow is also very useful in treating incontinence. In a study of older people with this problem, it was found that consuming yarrow extract helped reduce urine loss and improve bladder weakness. The participants also felt better and were less prone to bladder pain after urinating.
Lemon balm helps treat bladder weakness as well as other digestive problems, making it an excellent choice for people with incontinence. In a study of older people with this problem, it was found that consuming lemon balm spirit helped reduce urine loss and improve bladder weakness. The participants also felt better and were less prone to bladder pain after urinating.
4. Summary: How can home remedies help?
Some home remedies can help relieve symptoms of incontinence. These include caffeine, lemon and ginger.
Caffeine: Caffeine is often considered a natural remedy for incontinence. It can relax the muscles in the bladder, thereby relieving symptoms. However, caffeine is not suitable for everyone. Some people experience discomfort when drinking coffee or other products containing caffeine because it is simply too much for them. If you already consume coffee or other products containing caffeine, you should definitely check your dosage and perhaps reduce it or switch to something else.
Lemon: Lemon is another proven home remedy for incontinence. The natural ingredients in lemon ensure that the muscles in the bladder are relaxed and thus relieve the symptoms. However, lemon juice is not suitable for everyone. Some people experience discomfort when drinking lemon juice because it is simply too much for them. If you're already taking lemon juice, you should definitely check your dosage and perhaps reduce it or switch to something else.
( Anna K Mueller / Shutterstock.com )
Ginger: Ginger is one of the most proven home remedies for incontinence. The natural ingredients in ginger ensure that the muscles in the bladder are relaxed and thus relieve the symptoms. However, ginger is not suitable for everyone. Some people experience discomfort when consuming ginger because it is simply too much for them. If you are already taking ginger, you should definitely check your dosage and perhaps reduce it or switch to something else.